OH YES!!!! Integrated Grime Unit strikes again! This time in the ultra-tight mix called Integrated Grime Unite (a name which needs no explaning) by one of its members – Application.
Lazerbass mix by IGU’s Glitchy & Scratchy vs. Crendore (check my blog post for link and comments ) has been instrumental in converting me to glitch hop and midtempo soundz. Thus, when I saw this mix I knew it would be good. Long Live Canadian crew!!
The mix by Application starts as in Hitchcock’s movies, from a real tsunami of a track - slight attendand by KnowSleep. SICK!!! Extremely tight whomp beats, heavy bassline and fantastically flowing melody – TIP !! And later the quality is constantly kept throughout the mix with contagious accapellas and glitch hop extravaganza. It’s even hard to name highlights, as all the tunes are so f…g quality I have serious problems with selecting those which I should leave out. There are a few tracks which I heard on the lazerbass mix last year – like killing dale duro by glitchy&scratchy or one of the most heavily rinsed tracks in my car’s SS – milkshake by NSE. Other great moments of this ass-tight mix include fantastic we want your soul remix by sumUndertogs, great Jay Wikid tracks (love this guy’s production). IGU’s collective is represented by killing tracks from ill-esha (woman power reprezenta), application himself, jmej. Oh’ death by NOG & myles away is another whomp-heavy production. Really too much to mention. Let the music speak.
Lazerbass mix by IGU’s Glitchy & Scratchy vs. Crendore (check my blog post for link and comments ) has been instrumental in converting me to glitch hop and midtempo soundz. Thus, when I saw this mix I knew it would be good. Long Live Canadian crew!!
The mix by Application starts as in Hitchcock’s movies, from a real tsunami of a track - slight attendand by KnowSleep. SICK!!! Extremely tight whomp beats, heavy bassline and fantastically flowing melody – TIP !! And later the quality is constantly kept throughout the mix with contagious accapellas and glitch hop extravaganza. It’s even hard to name highlights, as all the tunes are so f…g quality I have serious problems with selecting those which I should leave out. There are a few tracks which I heard on the lazerbass mix last year – like killing dale duro by glitchy&scratchy or one of the most heavily rinsed tracks in my car’s SS – milkshake by NSE. Other great moments of this ass-tight mix include fantastic we want your soul remix by sumUndertogs, great Jay Wikid tracks (love this guy’s production). IGU’s collective is represented by killing tracks from ill-esha (woman power reprezenta), application himself, jmej. Oh’ death by NOG & myles away is another whomp-heavy production. Really too much to mention. Let the music speak.
qualudes ----------------- application
dale duro ----------------- glitchy n scratchy
glitch. ----------------------jmej
we want your soul remix - sumUnderdogs
outta space remix ------- jwikid
soundwave ------------ ripped disk
bannana banger -------- j wikid
200 sex ----------------- application
hoolagan ---------------- big
Bget naked ----------------methods of meyhem
say aah santo gold ----- tepr
milkshake ----------------NSE
paper work & cinnimon - ill-esha
twister remix -------------jmej
oh' death ------------------- NOG & myles away
boom cliq bam remix -- jansten
unknown track - ---------unknown artist......... if you know help me out!
we will rock you remix --jmej
magic carpet ride --------( )
caramel cognak remix----( )
hold on --------------------apparat
colors ----------------------calvin harris
loveinthedark --------------denovo creation