I know I am late with writing about this very solid comp from RUN RIOT RECORDS, but somehow the files get lost on my hard drive. Anyway, as the Motion Sickness promo video showed up on my friend, GRAINTABLE's myspace, I decided to find out and finally post a few words I wrote after first listening to this comp.
In general, Motion Sickness is pretty diverse compilation full of sick basslines, glitched synths, ghettotech beats and funky breakcore vistas. Actually, I should write a few words about each track but nobody would read this anyway, thus I will focus on the higlights:
Chip Chop – Launch Blank. Great opening of the compilation. I really like the work by this talented duo. Live action in such a digitially driven world will always produce an added value. Chip chop delivers properly glitched action with live drums and infections synths. Intense and deep! Gouseion remix of Kitmat's track is a pretty unsettling bomb of glitched bleeps and beeps. FoXgut in Clutha Kids offers a strange and twisted synth-hop with neon synths reminding me of the producitons of Glasgow's Lucky Me crew (Mike Slott, HudMo). Another good track is Runring by Vincent Parker. A nice glitch hop journey. Happy hardcore / breakcore joint by FoxDye is soo funny and actually much better than 99% of productions in this genre (which I rather dislike to be honest). LSP, heavy heavy bass, dirty beats and slow neck-breaking tension of this track combined with one of the best titles I’ve heard recently 'Kids Are Fucking Idiots' :) make it one of the highlights of this comp. If you like the mood and vibe of this track I suggest checking a guy from Puerto Rico – Son1ka, look him up on my blog. Another solid joint is Endykryn's Cum Again in which ultra distorted bassline and blunt beat remind me of Kid606's tigerbeat productions. Cabfree works with a similar dubstep bass in a more spacey track full of delays and knob twisting. And then , here comes the best tune of the Motion Sickness - Kitimat's AMSDN. Wow, this bass is soooooooo heavy but wait till the synths drop! Great spacey dub, the way I really LIKE! Strongly reminds me of Heyoka, Mimosa and Knowa KnowOne sonic journeys in bass-heavy ambient collages. Kitimat is definitely an artist to watch. Graintable nicely crowns the interesting compilation in his Lost Frost, with great synth-pop melodies and glitched basis.
More detailed message from the label:
"17 track compilation featuring the next wave of runriot’s unsound system and teasers from the upcoming releases of SQUID EYE, CHIP CHOP, WUNDERLITE, and GRAINTABLE, alongside co-conspirators sleeper-celled in camps from the dirty bmb skweee of CLAWS COSTEAU, body melting 8-bit distortion funk from LEOPARDEN, the gorgeous pop shrapnel-core of FOXDYE, the mutant futures of bass from CAB FREE and ENDYKRYN, deep ghetto bliss from AUDIOCRIP, the spiny sparking jazz crunk of THE GREAT MUNDANE, time rending shift-hop from FOX GUT DAATA, and the ashy tremors of NW island dubstep by LONGSHANKS. runiot hits the ground running with the return of VINCENT PARKER, the macro-glitch madness of GOUSEION blindside bombing the remix, LANDLESS FARM crash landing drums, splattering viny synths all over the bass drop, and the stunning neo-balkan synth storm of KITIMAT bottoming out the continuum.
MOTION SICKNESS compilation is available for download now via our selection of fine digital retailers (below) as well as in a limited edition run of CDs directly from the riot September 1st. Email us for pre-orders."
Grab the comp here: