I feel like slaying a few throats with clean cutting lazers. There are so many dumb-ass targets around me I would have serious problems from whom I should start. Pakistani Starfleet Commando figthing Gigantic Dove Invaders are my heroes this week :). To do my job properly I need appropriate music score. Here is the selection of latest & gratest in neon lazers. Enjoy
HALP, hailing from the Netherlands, will soon release (23rd May Boomkat) a fantastic EP Gazzillian Yeers, where lazers par excellence meticulously spray the listeners and slow burning neon synths, 8-bit distortions and twisted melodies complete the act of destruction. Definitely one of the best releases in May!
Gazzilliaan Yeers ep by HALP.
This Friday, I will attend a super great U Know Me Records night at Cafe Kulturalna featuring Robot Koch and fLako !!!! Listen to this sick mash-up of Lil'' Wayne's Stuntin' Like My Daddy vs. Robot Koch vs. fLako. Treasure!
Robot Koch vs. fLako vs. Lil' Wayne by Bellizio
Mochipet brings more super heavy lazers in his remix of Mike Jone's "My 64". Glitchy as shit mash up full of great samples (one you'd recognize immediately) and unique, one-of-a-kind Mochipet's slabs and drums of pure liquid bass. Quality as usual!
Mochipet - Dessert Search for Mike Jone's Commodore 64! on White Label (Free Download!) by Mochipet
Graintable, a cool dude from Portland is about to release new tracks on Simplify Recordings and CarCrashSet. Glitchy, crunky and melodic, the way I like! Check it out:
Sea Foam Mean by Graintable
Shells by Graintable
Safehouse by Graintable
Finally ultra heavy lazers courtesy of Bart Tyrpien a.k.a. Bartlomein, He has just released his first EP with self-explaining title :) Let Lazers Guide You In. A guy born in Poland who migrated some years ago to the USofA delivers 5 tracks with glitched to the max, pulsating basslines and nicely woven vocal samples, plus hard pads and drums - definitely the music which works best with big party soundsystems. Recommended!